That Unforgettable day, Andy Ried and Travis kelce Danced to Micheal Jackson song with an Amazing move in the Chiefs Locker Room..

That Unforgettable day, Andy Ried and Travis kelce Danced to Micheal Jackson song with an Amazing move in the Chiefs Locker Room..


In a moment that encapsulated pure jubilation and camaraderie, Kansas City Chiefs head coach Andy Reid delighted fans and players alike with a spontaneous display of dance prowess reminiscent of Michael Jackson’s iconic moves.


Following a resounding victory, the atmosphere in the Chiefs’ locker room was electric, with cheers echoing amidst the jubilant celebrations.

Amidst the revelry, Reid, affectionately known as “Big Red” by fans and players, showcased his unexpected talent as he effortlessly executed some of Michael Jackson’s signature steps, leaving everyone in awe of his unexpected flair.

With grace and finesse, Reid flawlessly emulated the King of Pop’s legendary dance moves, drawing cheers and applause from his team.

The heartwarming scene not only highlighted Reid’s unique ability to foster a culture of unity and joy within the Chiefs organization but also underscored the profound bond shared between coaches and players beyond the gridiron.

As the video of Reid’s impromptu dance session circulated across social media platforms, it served as a poignant reminder of the unbridled passion and camaraderie that define the spirit of sports, transcending victories and defeats to celebrate moments of pure joy and connection.