Dave Bautista give reason why he look skinny and unhealthy..

Dave Bautista has reassured fans concerned about his recent weight loss that he’s healthy.
The former WWE wrestler, 55, explained that he’d previously put on an “uncomfortable amount of weight” for his role in the 2023 psychological thriller Knock at the Cabin.
Speaking to TikTok personality Chris Van Vliet, Bautista said: “I started trimming down because I just got fat. I got really big for a role and it was uncomfortably big… Knock at the Cabin… I got really big. I was around 315 pounds and I put the weight on really fast.”
Bautista went on to say that unlike his younger days in the WWE when he was “carrying lots and lots of muscle”, he gained weight for the M Night Shyamalan film by eating “french fries and pancakes.” He recalled the director telling him: “I don’t want you to look like a powerlifter, I just want you to look like a great big guy.”
Looking back, Bautista added: “I probably overdid it. I was probably a little too big, but at the time I was just thinking: ‘I gotta get big.’ I put on an uncomfortable amount of weight, and it took me forever to shed it off.
“Then I noticed the more I trimmed down, the better I felt. And I also noticed the more I trimmed down, the better I looked on camera, the better I look next to other actors.”
“But to me, because people have seen me so much bigger over the years they think I’m anorexic, but I’m still just a large human being. At 6’4”, 240 pounds, next to your typical actor I look like a gorilla, and it’s distracting!”