Gwen Stefani has announced the release date of her upcoming fifth album “Bouquet” as November 15 and shared the lead single, “Somebody Else’s,” which showcases her...
Dancehall legend Sean Paul has put his signature spin on the iconic Showtime Riddim with the release of his new single “Bring It” through his label...
It’s been years since the news popped off on social media. But just as a refresher, here’s Beyoncé and Jay-Z’s affair timeline. The two are arguably...
Vice President Kamala Harris has a significant lead over former President Donald Trump among Asian Americans, according to a poll conducted earlier this month. The poll...
On the set of “Joker: Folie à Deux,” Joaquin Phoenix stayed in full makeup even when the cast was workshopping a scene. That left one unsuspecting...
Justin Timberlake issued a groveling, court-ordered apology Friday for getting behind the wheel after downing drinks in the Hamptons. “This is a mistake that I made...
Donald Trump made a bold prediction about his political future, stating that he does not envision running for office again if he loses the upcoming election...
Former President Donald Trump leads Vice President Kamala Harris in three critical battleground states: Arizona, North Carolina and Georgia, according to a new poll by the...
Jana Duggar’s wedding dress has prompted an unexpected controversy. As you probably know by now, Jana married Stephen Wissmann in front of roughly 500 guests last...
Dolly Parton has admitted that her public persona is at least partially a character she created. She dresses and styles herself in an exaggerated manner and...