In a groundbreaking shift for daytime television, ABC has announced that conservative commentator Candace Owens will helm a new morning show, set to replace the long-running...
Biles and her little sister, Adria Biles, have a super-tight bond. The sisters, who frequently get mistaken as twins, share a passion for tumbling and flying...
Tell Me Lies is never short on drama and star Grace Van Patten is revealing where she pulls inspiration from to dive into the tumultuous world....
The rapper-turned-politician was asked about the record label founder after his arrest on Monday on racketeering, sex trafficking and transportation to engage in prostitution charges. Combs...
Kansas City Chiefs CEO Clark Hunt Addresses Rumors About Taylor Swift’s Presence at Chiefs Games Rumors have been swirling that Kansas City Chiefs CEO Clark Hunt...
Revelation, Kim Kardashian has announced that she is pregnant with Travis Kelce’s child. This unexpected news has stirred up considerable controversy, especially given Kardashian’s well-known animosity...
Wedding bells are in the future Jalen Hurt and longtime love Bryonna “Bry” Burrows as the Philadelphia Eagles quarterback, 26, popped the question to his girlfriend...
In what can only be described as a long-awaited move, ABC’s CEO has officially pulled the plug on The View, the daytime talk show that has...
According to Daily Mail on August 21, a black female student called on people to donate money for college through a post on the fundraising platform...
Lauren Wasser’s story is one of unimaginable tragedy and incredible resilience. At the age of 24, Lauren was living an active, fulfilling life, modeling and playing...